

Afghan Cycles Movie 2018

“Afghan Cycles” is a documentary directed by Sarah Menzies in 2018. This poignant documentary revolves around the desire for women in Afghanistan to ride bicycles as a means of seeking freedom. The film tells a compelling story of women challenging societal norms and fighting for their freedom through the act of cycling.


“Afghan Cycles” sheds light on the struggle for women to ride bicycles in Afghanistan. Gender norms in the country often restrict or prohibit women from cycling. However, in this documentary, brave Afghan women inspire viewers as they challenge these norms and push for their freedom by pedaling forward.

Freedom and Independence

The documentary underscores how the bicycle is seen as a symbol of freedom. As women ride, they not only grow physically but also gain social independence and freedom. Cycling allows them to become more visible in society and have a stronger voice.

Societal Change and Resistance

The documentary highlights how Afghan women are leading the way in societal change and resistance. By riding their bicycles through the streets, these women are determined to change the way society perceives them and advocate for women’s rights. Through telling their own stories and pedaling forward, they continue to fight for a more equitable society.


“Afghan Cycles” stands out as a powerful documentary representing women’s quest for freedom and societal change. Beyond just cycling in Afghanistan, this film offers an inspiring narrative of individuals questioning their beliefs, finding their voices, and combating gender inequality. “Afghan Cycles” provides viewers with an opportunity to respect and understand the struggles of courageous women in different parts of the world.

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