

The Dark Hobby Movie 2021

IMDb Rating and Overview

The Dark Hobby is a documentary film released in 2020, directed by Pepe Arcos. This thought-provoking documentary sheds light on the controversial and often hidden world of the exotic pet trade, particularly focusing on the aquarium industry.

With an IMDb rating of 7.3 out of 10, “The Dark Hobby” raises important ethical questions about the impact of the aquarium trade on marine life.


The film explores the global trade in exotic marine species, where beautiful and unique aquatic creatures are captured and sold to aquarium hobbyists. It delves into the environmental and ethical implications of this industry and its effects on fragile ecosystems.


“The Dark Hobby” presents a critical examination of the demand for exotic marine species, raising concerns about overfishing, habitat destruction, and the welfare of the animals involved. The documentary features experts, conservationists, and activists who advocate for the protection of marine life.


Key contributors include:

  • Pepe Arcos (Director)
  • Richard Ross (Aquarist and Conservationist)
  • Rene Umberger (Marine Life Conservationist)
  • Andrew Rhyne (Marine Biologist)


“The Dark Hobby” is a thought-provoking documentary that sheds light on the consequences of the exotic pet trade, particularly in the context of the aquarium industry. With an IMDb rating of 7.3, it encourages viewers to consider the ethical and environmental impact of their choices as consumers and advocates for the protection of marine life.

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