The State Against Mandela and the Others Movie 2020

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The State Against Mandela and the Others Movie 2020

IMDb Rating: approximately 6.7

“The State Against Mandela and the Others” is a documentary film directed by Nicolas Champeaux and Gilles Porte, released in 2018. The documentary offers a unique and immersive experience by revisiting the Rivonia Trial, a historic legal battle that led to the imprisonment of Nelson Mandela and other anti-apartheid activists in South Africa.


The documentary uses a combination of animated archival footage and audio recordings from the trial to recreate the courtroom drama of the Rivonia Trial, which took place in 1963-1964. It focuses on the legal defense of Nelson Mandela and his co-defendants, who faced charges of sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the apartheid regime. The film provides insight into the strategies and arguments used by the defense team and the personal reflections of Mandela and his colleagues during this pivotal moment in history.


“The State Against Mandela and the Others” explores themes related to apartheid, racial injustice, the pursuit of justice, and the resilience of those who fought against oppression. It offers a deep examination of the legal proceedings that played a crucial role in the struggle for freedom in South Africa.


  • The documentary features the voices of Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Ahmed Kathrada, and other key figures involved in the Rivonia Trial, as well as legal experts and historians.

Directors and Production Team

  • Directors: Nicolas Champeaux and Gilles Porte
  • Producers: Sophie Deloche, Olivier Charvet, and others


“The State Against Mandela and the Others” has received praise for its innovative use of archival materials and its compelling portrayal of the legal battle that led to Mandela’s imprisonment. It is recognized for its ability to immerse viewers in the courtroom drama and for shedding light on the courage and determination of the anti-apartheid activists.


“The State Against Mandela and the Others” is a documentary that offers a captivating and immersive look at the Rivonia Trial and the legal defense of Nelson Mandela and his co-accused. It serves as a testament to the enduring struggle against apartheid and the pursuit of justice in the face of oppression.

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